New Website Location!
I probably should've posted this earlier but, between moving the site, and working two jobs a majority of this year, I kinda let updating here slide. (I'll blame Van Damme's Cocaine Habit??) But, for those who have be periodically checking up on this website for updates. And for anyone new who stumbles across the old website, I have moved operations, such as they are, over to: WWW.ARCADECASTLE.COM The main impetus for the move is the expiration of the domain name by the previous owner, so I was able to swoop in and take the name over. You wouldn't think that for five years was a domain name that already existed...but you would be wrong. It was essentially just a website for flash games that probably sold your information if you used it. Now it is a mediocre website for this podcast! (yay) So, the visuals have gotten an overhaul and I have tried to integrate a lot of things into the website for a more cohesive experience...